Cyberpunk 2077

Recently, I made the mistake of getting a 1440p monitor. It was a mistake because my computer wasn’t powerful enough to run games at this resolution. Once I realised my mistake trying to play Cyberpunk 2077, I had to buy a whole new machine. Here’s where I will preface that

Devil May Cry 5

The first Devil May Cry was created by Hideki Kamiya at Capcom. While Capcom is still making Devil May Crys, and they are getting better as the number gets higher. Hideki Kamiya founded Platinum Games, which makes action games in the same vein as Devil May Cry. The games that


Diablo for Ninjas. Warframe is a fantastic example of games that constantly update themselves. It had quite the pre-launch into launch that was less than stellar. Over the years Digital Extremes have put out update after update to make it one of the most popular, possibly one of the best